Welcome to the world of Meat Maniac, where they celebrate meat, tasty treats, and…the unusual! Meat Maniac started with a man and his dream. No, not the dream where you’re running through the halls of your high school, naked, getting ready to take a test you never studied for, but a dream where you could become one with bacon.
Meat Maniac’s fearless leader, Torrey, started as a one-man operation, traveling to area craft and food shows, delighting bacon lovers everywhere. Soon, he had so many products that traveling was no longer feasible, and he set up shop at a large flea market in North Texas. As the name and legend of Meat Maniac spread, so did his fan base, and eBay and Amazon sales soared to new heights. Now Meat Maniac has moved into a permanent retail location in Richardson, to better serve all the North Texas Meat Maniacs out there, while still maintaining their online presence for all the Meat Maniacs across North America and the globe!

When it comes to meat jerky, Meat Maniac has it all! They have the most unique selection of wild game jerky made from the best and freshest meats. The wild jerky meats include kangaroo, swordfish and marlin, wild boar, ostrich, and even earthworm jerky! “We carry the best-flavored bacon jerky in the most delicious flavors including ghost pepper, Tex-Mex, and even Sriracha”, said Torrey.

They also carry your favorite traditional meats including venison and brisket with all the same great flavors. No matter what you’re looking for, you’ll definitely find the best jerky meats to satisfy even the most picky jerky meat fans on your list. If you’re looking for the most unique edible insects and bug candy, you’ve hit the jackpot!
Torrey said,”We have an amazing selection of bugs you can eat prepared using the best recipes and you’re favorite seasonings.” Check out their seasoned insects, including termites and crickets, which actually taste great and provide a protein boost with no fat to weigh you down. How about delicious scorpion suckers, as well as tarantulas and all kinds of worms prepared in interesting flavors including BBQ, Sour Cream & Onion, Sriracha, and Honey Mustard. Eat these insects as a snack or add them to your own recipes for a new take on your favorite dishes. “All of our edible insects are food grade and farmed using the highest quality feed and standards. We are dedicated to providing the best, most unique bug candy and have the expert knowledge to help you find exactly what you need.”
In the mood for some wild game? Meat Maniac brought together the best selection of sausages and meat & spreads made from fresh, delicious, exotic game. All of the exotic jerky meats and sausages are made with all-natural ingredients with no artificial flavors for a healthy, protein-packed snack. Their meat and cheese spreads are perfect for large parties or as a solo snack while relaxing at home with a good movie, and they make great after-school snacks for the kids. You won’t find more delicious and hearty snacks with as many unique and interesting flavors for everyone to choose their favorites.

If you love bacon and flavored meats, Meat Maniac has everything you’re looking for and more! A premier purveyor of bacon-flavored condiments and salts, as well as interesting meat rubs made from the wildest, most delicious ingredients. You won’t find a better selection of bacon salts with jalapeno, hickory, and cheddar flavoring just to name a few. More bacon options you say? Bacon seasonings are the perfect gift for the meat lover in your life and their baconaisse (bacon mayo) is the most versatile spread known to man. “Our bacon seasonings, salts, and meat rubs are delicious, made from the freshest ingredients, and easily enhance any meal. If bacon and meat are as important to you as they are to us, then you’ll love cooking with our seasonings and rubs!”
Meat Maniac
1881 N. Plano Rd.
Richardson, TX 75081