it’s time once again for the North Texas fair and rodeo in Denton Texas. This year will mark the 94th annual event for the North Texas tradition. Beginning August 19 and running until August 27, the North Texas State fair and rodeo offers nine nights of arena action at the Coors rodeo arena and on the Miller Light Main Stage and the Cool Zone Revolver Stage.
Located on Carroll Boulevard in Denton Texas, the North Texas State fair and rodeo has activities for all ages including: horse and livestock shows, live concerts, cook-offs, contests, fun, food, games and more. For ticket and attraction info, visit their website.
“we basically outgrew our current location 22 years ago”
officials for the North Texas fair and rodeo are currently making plans to move the rodeo about 5 miles north, and with a $70 million budget, where we could expect to see a new 90,000 square-foot Expo Center and an indoor rodeo arena which would double the current capacity of 4000 to 8000 seats. Officials are currently drawing up plans for a new 111 acre site for the new fairgrounds which would also host other types of exhibitions in addition to the annual rodeo.
This year will mark the 94th annual event for the North Texas tradition
The fair’s executive director Glenn Carlton said, ” It’s going to make us more competitive, because we can get events to come here now which haven’t in the past, because we didn’t have the right facilities for it.” Carlton went on to say that, ” we have basically outgrown our current location. We have a 100 acre fair crammed into 30 acres, it’s definitely time to expand.” The North Texas fair and rodeo has called Denton home for the last 93 years. Billed as Denton’s biggest yearly event, the new expansion would more than triple the size of the fair and rodeo. Carlton said they basically outgrew their current location more than 22 years ago, and the new arena would basically allow them to double or triple their current size. Currently the fairgrounds attracts approximately 200K visitor during the nine day event.
“we could expect to see a new 90,000 square-foot Expo Center and an indoor rodeo arena which would double the current capacity of 4000 to 8000 seats”
The new venue, which is currently being referred to as the North Texas Expo Center will include a multipurpose arena, an entertainment pavilion and exhibition hall, as well as buildings for livestock. The new covered facility which is expected to be 130,000 sq. ft. Carlton expects the new facility will easily attract more outdoor oriented events such as boating, equine-related events, RV-ing, home and garden expos as well as large, heavy equipment manufacturers.

the North Texas State Fair Association is a volunteer supported, 501 (c) (3) non-profit community organization that preserves and promotes western heritage and values. The North Texas Fair and Rodeo contributes to the quality of life in the City of Denton, Denton County, and throughout the North Texas area. This is done through a first class nine day Fair and Rodeo, year round facilities, and various community and youth oriented programs and events. The North Texas State Fair Association strives to preserve and promote an understanding of the agricultural industry. The North Texas State Fair Association is true and committed to it’s mission of supporting Youth, Agriculture, and Community. All revenue generated is reinvested into various programs, scholarships, and facilities.
North Texas State Fair
August 19-27 2022
North Texas State Fair Ground
2217 North Carroll Blvd, Denton, TX 76201
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